Sunday, 12 July 2015

Breed differences in canine aggression


Canine aggression poses serious public health and animal welfare concerns. Most of what is understood about breed differences in aggression comes from reports based on bite statistics, behavior clinic caseloads, and experts’ opinions. Information on breed-specific aggressiveness derived from such sources may be misleading due to biases attributable to a disproportionate risk of injury associated with larger and/or more physically powerful breeds and the existence of breed stereotypes. 
The present study surveyed the owners of more than 30 breeds of dogs using the Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire (C-BARQ), a validated and reliable instrument for assessing dogs’ typical and recent responses to a variety of common stimuli and situations. Two independent data samples (a random sample of breed club members and an online sample) yielded significant differences among breeds in aggression directed toward strangers, owners and dogs (Kruskal–Wallis tests, P < 0.0001).
Eight breeds common to both datasets (Dachshund, English Springer Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Poodle, Rottweiler, Shetland Sheepdog and Siberian Husky) ranked similarly, rs = 0.723, P < 0.05; rs = 0.929, P < 0.001;rs = 0.592, P = 0.123, for aggression directed toward strangers, dogs and owners, respectively. Some breeds scored higher than average for aggression directed toward both humans and dogs (e.g., Chihuahuas and Dachshunds) while other breeds scored high only for specific targets (e.g., dog-directed aggression among Akitas and Pit Bull Terriers).
 In general, aggression was most severe when directed toward other dogs followed by unfamiliar people and household members. Breeds with the greatest percentage of dogs exhibiting serious aggression (bites or bite attempts) toward humans included Dachshunds, Chihuahuas and Jack Russell Terriers (toward strangers and owners); Australian Cattle Dogs (toward strangers); and American Cocker Spaniels and Beagles (toward owners). More than 20% of Akitas, Jack Russell Terriers and Pit Bull Terriers were reported as displaying serious aggression toward unfamiliar dogs. Golden Retrievers, Labradors Retrievers, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Brittany Spaniels, Greyhounds and Whippets were the least aggressive toward both humans and dogs.
 Among English Springer Spaniels, conformation-bred dogs were more aggressive to humans and dogs than field-bred dogs (stranger aggression: Mann–Whitney U test, z = 3.880, P < 0.0001; owner aggression: z = 2.110, P < 0.05; dog-directed aggression: z = 1.93, P = 0.054), suggesting a genetic influence on the behavior. The opposite pattern was observed for owner-directed aggression among Labrador Retrievers, (z = 2.18, P < 0.05) indicating that higher levels of aggression are not attributable to breeding for show per se.

Friday, 10 July 2015


Preventing dog 

bites and safety 

around dogs

Safety around dogs

  • Always stay away from stray dogs even if you think you know the dog.
  • Never try to break up a fight between two animals even if one is your own.
  • Never tease a dog, or do anything that may hurt it.
  • Never take away a dog's food or bone, or pull a toy from his mouth.
  • Never disturb a dog that's sleeping or eating.
  • Never approach a dog that's with her puppies.
  • Stay away from a dog that has been tied up and left alone in a public place.
  • Always keep your face away from dogs.
  • Never run away from a dog that scares you. Instead,stand like a tree by making your hands into fists and placing them under your chin. Stand still, do not speak to the dog, and look at the ground. Never stare into the dog's eyes. Doing these things will show the dog that you are not a threat.

Meeting a Dog

  • Always ask the owner's permission to pet the dog first.
  • If the owner gives you permission to pet the dog, let the dog sniff your hand, being sure not to place your hand in its face.
  • Pet the dog gently under the chin. Do not pet the dog on its head, as not all dogs like to be touched on the top of their heads.

Dog owners

  • Neuter your male dog. Unneutered dogs may be more aggressive than neutered dogs.
  • Control your dog at all times.
  • Do not encourage aggressive behaviour by playing rough or pulling toys or bones from your dog's mouth.
  • Properly socialize your dog.
  • Keep your dog out of situations you know may cause problems.
Please view the

for more information.