Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Amber A Maclin Obama is not the cause of Pit Bull attacks.. are you serious??? lol. What about when the maulings were happening before him? Exactly..make sure you blame the next president as well. as attacks will continue to happen. Such foolishness.

I cannot believe this is happening! This poor woman! Why is it that in the US pit bulls seem to come before people? It should have been shot and its owner put in jail for allowing his dangerous dog to keep attacking.
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  • 8 people like this.
  • Julia Lewis And now this poor woman is afraid to walk her dog.
  • Julie Edwards-Matanga Five citations and two attacks....and now, an investigation to determine weather or not this dog is dangerous! Wow!
  • Jan Segura Comeaux This is just unbelievable!! Poor ole soul should carry a gun and handle this shit herself! I know someone who would gladly take her and her dog for a walk!!
  • Julie Edwards-Matanga These are the folks who appear to be in charge of their "animal uncontrol" down there in Florida. Their animal shelter is blighted. 

    Brevard County Sheriff's Office, Florida (Official)'s photo.
    Brevard County Sheriff's Office, Florida (Official)
    53,927 talking about this
  • Penny Spears Five at large citations! The dog is constantly loose, attacking humans- what more does he have to do to be euthanized?!
  • Earl Upham Outrageous and insensitive and irresponsible of that man who owns that dog. He should be broke and in jail and his dog should be dead. Nothing less!
  • Lisa Moyer Amen to that Julie Edwards-Matanga. All we have here is UNanimal control. Last year an officer's pitbull killed a neighbor's cat.
  • Gail L Rosbach When Obama is gone maybe we can get something done. he is busy granting all the requests the humane Society is asking for, he is indebted to them because of all the money they donated to his campaign in 2008
  • Amber A Maclin Obama is not the cause of Pit Bull attacks.. are you serious??? lol. What about when the maulings were happening before him? Exactly..make sure you blame the next president as well. as attacks will continue to happen. Such foolishness.
  • Amber A Maclin Last time I checked ..there are 3 branches of Govt.. not one..
  • Lynne Smith Amber, I think the comment stems from the fact that Obama spoke out on this issue, and as far as I know is the only president to do so, repeating the pit bull propaganda. I don't think for one second he looked into the topic, just repeated what he heard from his donors. I think this is more of a state's rights issue on how each state deals with dogs, but some people do want a national law like other countries have. We won't be getting it with this President.
  • Tamara Timmermann In 2007-2008 HSUS gave the Obama campaign $9,275. http://influenceexplorer.com/.../8f3753ea77a1406f94e61315...
    Humane Society of the US has given $4,625,537 in...
  • Tamara Timmermann you can check amounts given per year and total amounts given and who they were given to.
  • Lynne Smith I'm sure they give to a lot of politicians, and want certain laws voted on or vetoed.
  • Tamara Timmermann Yes Lynne they do spread it around. The amounts are disclosed on the federal level and state level even the issues lobbied for and against Bill No. Title
    S.727 Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act of 2009
    H.R.503 Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act of 2009

    H.R.80 Captive Primate Safety Act
    S.462 Captive Primate Safety Act
    H.R.835 Puppy Uniform Protection and Safety Act
    H.R.2480 Truth in Fur Labeling Act of 2009
    S.1076 Truth in Fur Labeling Act of 2009
    S.394 Downed Animal and Food Safety Protection Act of 2007
    S.707 Puppy Uniform Protection and Safety Act
    H.R.1513 Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act of 2011
  • Tamara Timmermann total amount given to campaign finance~ CAMPAIGN FINANCE $11,272,688 GIVEN
  • Christy Cornell Egad! This is why discussing politics is like walking through a landmine field. Such a hot button issue and so easy for things to be misunderstood. 

    With the way that Gail's comment is worded and knowing that Obama is the first president that has dire
    ...See More
  • Ali Dixon Thank thank you Christy for clarifying what Gail meant and what bothered me too about what President Obama said. I didn't realized he was forced to. So it seems we should also do a petition
  • Tamara Timmermann It certainly wasn't because HSUS gave him millions upon millions of $ like some seem to be under the impression happened. A petition couldn't hurt but yes it's what happens at the local level. When citizens are allowed to vote bsl stays. When it's town councils who have been lobbied by AFF and Best Friends it fails
  • Christy Cornell You are welcome, Ali Dixon  , but I wasn't trying to speak to what Gail meant, only what her comment meant to me as far as my understanding of it. If I was mistaken, I'm sure Gail L Rosbach can clarify exactly what she meant. 

    Yeah, I have to do a 
    major eye roll when pitters start up with this crap like, "the president is on our side". Big whoop! It's not like Obama is actively fighting BSL. He didn't do squat except for make an obligatory statement in response to their petition. It's usually the college age pitters that start up with that "the president's with us" mess, and most of them are too stupid to understand that Obama isn't gonna be signing any national BSL bans. Explaining to them about why Obama was obligated to make a statement and explaining to them that his statement was typical of a politician would be a waste of my time, so I just ignore comments like that. 

    Ali, a countering petition is a great idea and would be lovely to have, but I'm not sure if we could get the number of votes needed. I don't think we could get the "useful idiots" vote like the pitters did. I bet half of those signatures weren't even pitbull aficionados. So many of these people who signed that petition were just typical animal lovers who succumbed to scare tactics ( If pitbulls are banned, your breed of dog is next!), or were upset that "poor pitbulls" were being picked on ( Sign this petition if you love dogs, don't let those evil BSL people kill our pitbulls!). Tamara is right in that when BSL is put to a vote, it passes/stays, but that's because people are thinking about their local community and the majority of them do NOT want pitbulls living next door. However, with our American mindset of not wanting to overly restrict other people, getting a petition for national BSL might be harder because people are hesitant about enacting national laws that are restrictive. Sticking with state by state and local regulations seems to be doable and has worked well in the past.
  • Sonya Del Rio Cerezo What kind of idiots are running this country?! Why would the city consider letting this dog back in the public?! The dog has attacked twice already, put it down so it can't do it again. We can't even take walks in our neighborhood, and all because a bunch of pidiots who can't accept the true nature of these dogs.

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