Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Legina Newman Boswell Someone one needs to shoot him. My god something is seriously F'ING wrong with you if you have to shot a Maltese/poodle mix. What are you afraid of? Sue his a$$ off.

Police are investigating allegations that a Phoenix man shot his neighbor's dog on Tuesday after it ran onto his property.
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  • Legina Newman Boswell Someone one needs to shoot him. My god something is seriously F'ING wrong with you if you have to shot a Maltese/poodle mix. What are you afraid of? Sue his a$$ off.
  • Heather Jackson Sounds right, dogs harassing other people's pets on their own property shouldn't be tolerated , he had a right to shoot the mutt. If she was responsible in the first place it wouldn't have happened.......
  • Jan Smith The owners say "this man should have come to us" -- but he'd already done that several times before. Their attitude is exactly the same as any pit bull owner's attitude -- and this is their own fault, no less than when someone's roaming pit bull tries to kill someone else's animals.
  • Peter Nicholson Dog owners can be the hardest people to talk reasonably about their pets to in my experience..
  • Heather Jackson Sorry chickens are pets too and if a dog was trying to eat mine id shoot it too. A pet is a pet , chicken or dog. If your pet tried to eat my pet it in my yard that will be the last thing it ever does. It will be your fault and yours alone.
  • Peter Nicholson What was I just sayin'?
  • Legina Newman Boswell Dangerous dogs implies a threat. A puppy is not a threat especially of that breed. And unless you're a Vegan, it's a freaking damn chicken. Nastiest birds on the planet. Good grief!
  • Peter Nicholson If nothing else it was a threat to her property..
  • Lynne Smith In rural areas the police actually tell people to shoot a dog threatening their livestock. Not sure this case applies, but like others have said, a dog's owner has the responsibility to protect the dog from itself.
  • Legina Newman Boswell Group description; no mention of this """vicious breed"""" . Idiot gun owner of stupid chickens being defended by even more idiots.
  • Julia Lewis Lots of small dogs will try to kill chickens if given half a chance. All someone had to do was grab the dog and the owner of the dog should have apologised profusely and offered to pay for the dead chicken. That's what a friend of mine did when her dog killed a chicken. It's quite frightening to hear of these people blazing away unnecessarily with guns. You don't need a gun to get a fluffy dog off a chicken.
  • Julia Lewis But you certainly do need a gun if a pit bull has latched on to a person and will not let go!
  • Julia Lewis Shooting like this puts paid to any neighbourly relations in the future!
  • Julia Lewis Having said that, I would be upset if it was my chicken!
  • Jan Smith I wouldn't have shot this little dog, but I understand why someone did. There comes a point where you've asked politely six times, then emphatically another six times, and you see people aren't taking you seriously BECAUSE you keep asking after they've shown they ignore your request. At that point, you have to resort to something more than asking. I can understand why someone would feel so insulted, so ridiculed, so angry, that they do something radical. 
    It's the narcissism epidemic again here, on the part of this dog's owners.
  • Julia Lewis Yes, I can see that. It seems any neighbourliness had broken down a long time ago and the small dog's owner wasn't taking the situation seriously at all. People do seem to have a problem in the US with containing their dogs on their property! I've for three dogs here in London and there's no way they could get out on to the street or into a neighbour's backyard. We are very well fenced in with fences high enough that you can't see over them.
  • Julia Lewis Chickens can be very sweet to have around. My friend had a pet bantam that used to sit on her lap while she watched television.

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