Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Earl Upham--why didn't the officer kill both dogs when he had the chance? I would have! The continuing saga of these dogs could have ended for good wasting not another minute on these worthless animals.

Yet more loose pit bulls on the rampage, wreaking havoc. What on earth are the owners thinking, allowing their dogs to roam free like this? What is the matter with these people?
A pit bull was shot by a police officer Friday after the pit bull and another dog were seen attacking a man in downtown Stockton.
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  • 8 people like this.
  • Sarah May They were trying to lick the officer to death... These devil dogs are horrid.
  • Julia Lewis Why is America putting up with this?
  • Sarah May People are apathetic. Until they are personally affected, they tend to keep their head in the sand. Plus, nutters will gang up on you if you say anything so most will keep quiet.
  • Julia Lewis But it's a public safety issue.
  • Julia Lewis I've heard that analogy many times before, actually. Guns were not bred to attack, they have to be used by humans!
  • Julia Lewis Having said that, I'm in the UK where people are not allowed to have guns.
  • Julia Lewis So what you are you saying in relation to pit bulls then? Forget about guns.
  • Sarah May Guns don't run around shooting people. They are an inanimate object that only acts when acted upon. Pits will randomly kill, escape, and chew through fences to kill. Humans pull the trigger on guns. Pit bulls have a DNA trigger. People don't have guns for pets, either.
  • Julia Lewis No. Fighting breed dogs date back to medieval times in England, where they were selectively bred to take on bulls and be as aggressive as they could make them. Wild dogs are not that aggressive, it is us humans who have interfered with the genes. It's not the pit bull's fault, in case you think I am blaming them. They attack, and hold on, because they have been bred that way. As Collies have been bred to her, spaniels to flush, pointers to point, and so on.
  • Sarah May Blocking.
  • Julia Lewis Michelle, you are in denial. This point of this page is to warn people. We need to put a stop to the carnage. Far too many people and animals are getting killed. If you think that is OK, then this page is not for you.
  • Julia Lewis You need to read the notes above. This is not the place to argue whether fighting breed dogs are dangerous or not.
  • Sarah May If advocating for safety is wrong, I don't want to be right.
  • Julia Lewis Sorry, it is the pit bull type dogs that are doing all the killing and maiming!
  • Julia Lewis We have many victims as members here - people who have had their children killed by pit bulls, other family members, pet dogs, horses, goats, etc. They certainly wouldn't agree with you that all dogs are equally dangerous.
  • Julia Lewis The media! That is another fatuous argument we hear over and over. So you think reporters having nothing better to do than look for anti pit bull stories? If so, then you certainly don't know how they work.
  • Julia Lewis Yes, there are attacks by other dogs but pit bulls are way ahead in the killings stakes.
  • Julia Lewis Oh yes, here we go, the "racist" argument again. Don't worry, we know all about that. Michelle, I'm sorry but you are wrong. Humans created the different breeds. Unfortunately horrible people created the pit bull for an evil purpose - to fight. Humans evolved, they weren't bred with certain characteristics.
  • Julia Lewis You can call us racists all you like, that will just bounce off us.
  • Julia Lewis We "evolved". We were not created, that is we were not specifically "bred" for a purpose.
  • Julia Lewis No, I wouldn't want a pit bull. Have you got one?
  • Julia Lewis You might like to ponder on why it is that several countries around the world have introduced legislation either banning the pit bull or requiring people who own them to muzzle them when out in public, and to keep them on a short lead. The person with them must be 18 and over, and the dog must be registered and tattooed.
  • Julia Lewis No one is asking for all pit bulls to be euthanised. Not at all. But those that have attacked people in the street or killed horses or whatever, should be. Of course there are nice pit bulls but the point is, if these dogs do attack, then there is little anyone can do about it, unless they happen to have a gun with them.
  • Julia Lewis Michelle, I'm sorry, but I am removing you from the group. It's impossible to argue with someone who calls us "idiots" or "racists".
  • Suzanne Bryant Clearly, if pit bulls are such a problem for people, Michelle, they shouldn't be companion animals. Temperament tests don't prove a single thing. Buh bye troll. Thanks Julia. 
  • Sarah May You had more patience than I did.
  • Julia Lewis I don't think she had read the notes above, nor the "description" bit in the top right hand corner, unless she came in deliberate to stir things up.
  • Julia Lewis I just cannot understand how people can advocate for pit bulls and ignore all the evidence and the statistics.
  • Sarah May They've been duped by organizations and individuals. Until a tragedy happens, they refuse to acknowledge the truth.
  • Patricia Forbell Question. For the people that care (That is) Why is it, when a nutter starts out with....Its all how they are raised. (When that doesnt work) Then go onto bs excuse #2... you're a racist, it's the medias fault bs bs bs... I think Michelle would of much preferred that the cop been mauled. If it had gone down that way, she'd of never commented. Good bye sub human..
  • Julia Lewis When you demolish each of their arguments, they don't come back at you, they move on to another point. Same old points always.
  • Julia Lewis The "media" one particularly annoys me because for years I was a reporter on a local paper and often writing about pit bull type dog attacks. But I never sought out these stories, the victims phoned in to me, or we heard through the police.
  • Jennie Conway Get your pits spayed and neutered..... And keep them away from other people and pets! We have the right to live in a safe environment!!!!
  • Julia Lewis That's it! Keep the damned things away from us and let us live in peace. Keep them away and let the streets return to normal. We don't want these pits running loose and killing and maiming.
  • Olivia Wyatt This pit bull looks like a deadly weapon and all pit bulls should be registered as deadly weapons, because that's what they are.
  • Lorena McGovern This is a new mental illness, pit worship.
  • Penny Spears The same old, same old with them! You are a racist, their owner abuses them, other dogs bitemoar, other dogs kill people, you can't identify a pit bull, there's no such thing as a pit bull, my pit bull sleeps with my children, is a therapy dog, saves people from burning houses, I guess you want to outlaw guns, humans do more bad things than dogs, the media is to blame. Have I left anything out? If I read more comments containing these excuses, I think I might explode! Some days maybe.
  • Lynne Smith What I love is they all come on here with some question or statement that we've all heard a hundred times before and they think they are so clever with it and its going to change all of our minds in two seconds. I mean seriously, do a little research before trying to dazzle us with your non-ignorance once and a while. And then they can really mad when we don't change our minds and instead give them facts to refute their arguments. Then the name calling starts...
  • Earl Upham I have but two regrets in this particular case. One is that the video account talks of the merciless killing of a poor cat. Why did no one go to help this poor defenseless animal? Two is why didn't the officer kill both dogs when he had the chance? I would have! The continuing saga of these dogs could have ended for good wasting not another minute on these worthless animals.
  • Penny Spears They probably were worried about backlash from the pit community! The officer had clear shots, yet he either missed, or was only trying to wound the dogs.

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