Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Wendy Hoffman-- I also educated myself on the pitbull breed which is not and never wiil be a breed with papers and such. Find out who your local and state reps are. Contact them and put in writing. Tell them their first charge of duty is public safety not the rights of a minority of dog owners who should be policing their own breed

Being laid up for 6 weeks after my dog attack I educated myself, first on the laws of my state and town and then on the laws being introduced in other parts of the country. Research dog attacks in your state. There is a listing from the CDC for every state going back to 1833 on fatalites. Find out what is happening in your state. Contact your state Department of Agriculture who is probably over the dog wardens in your state and also must keep records. I also educated myself on the pitbull breed which is not and never wiil be a breed with papers and such. Find out who your local and state reps are. Contact them and put in writing. Tell them their first charge of duty is public safety not the rights of a minority of dog owners who should be policing their own breed. Put them on notice that attacks and fatalities are on the rise all over the country that they need to act or they are being put in the position of a liability suit in the millions if they fail to act and someone is seriously injured or killed. See who the judges are in your town that may be letting these people off with bad dogs. They may have their hands tied in prosecuting the law which is my case, because the wording is such it wil not hold up. Most of all be armed for the phony balognie pittie pot dog rescues. Udually thea rguments are MY FAMILY WILL HAVE TO MOVE OUT OF STATE OR MY DOG IS NOT VICIOUS. It usually begins with My or I. We know haw that goes. REmind everyone that in the end the existing laws DO NOT protect the dogs who are the ones that get put down, not their owners who usally surrender the dogs after an attack. Also, contact the insurance companies. There are bills being passed in other states to stop insurance companies from continuing the viscious dog list.
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  • Sabra Steele Actually the pit pull breed is a breed with papers. They just change the name to add confusion. AKC registers them as American Staffordshire Terries and UKC registers them as American Pit Bull Terriers. Just as Yorkshire Terriers are called yorkies, Shetland sheepdogs are called shelters, American Pit Bull Terriers are often called pits or pit bulls. Most ppl who own one and claim there is not a pit breed are doing so to confuse ppl. Can you see a yorkie owner saying his dog is not a yorkshire terrier? Or a Sheltie person denying that his dog is a shetland sheepdog? Only pit people deny their dogs breed and heritage.
    22 hrs · Like · 1
  • Fataah Ewe' A good many border collies are not pedigreed, nor are many working dogs used by police depts. However, these dogs are purpose bred, selected for certain abilities just as pit bulls have been selected for their abilities to kill other dogs, attack without warning, or provocation, and a very high prey drive. Yes, of the fight breeds, some are registered as named breeds in certain registries.
    22 hrs · Like · 4
  • Carol Miller YESSSSSSS !!!!!!
    21 hrs · Like

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