Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Jenny Pollman March 8 at 10:29pm · Edited My friend Sabrina just sent me this. So yesterday we were in PetSmart and some a-hole had to bring his pitbull in right as we are checking out. He had the nerve to ask my little girl if she would like to pet his dog. I literally told him over my dead body would she ever be around a murdering dog like pitts.

My friend Sabrina just sent me this.
So yesterday we were in PetSmart and some a-hole had to bring his pitbull in right as we are checking out. He had the nerve to ask my little girl if she would like to pet his dog. I literally told him over my dead body would she ever be around a murdering dog like pitts. He ran real fast to the back of the store. .. after sending me some lovely glares.
Why the hell do they feel the need to put other lives in danger so they can bring those ugly and killer dogs in public???? Idiot
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  • 45 people like this.
  • Fataah Ewe' Good for you for raising hell!
  • Jenny Pollman She said even the cashier was shocked. And I think it's great. The owners of these dogs & the people that run these stores need to know that not all of us are just eat their propaganda anymore about these dogs. Muzzle them if you're gonna bring them in public. And don't push them on people & children.
  • Stephanie Michelle Garnet I was at Safeway getting ready to leave putting my kids and groceries in the truck when my husband said you didn't see that did you? I said what? I was getting Cadee in the truck in her car seat... He said there is a pit bull inn that car and when the guy opened up his car door the dog bolted and was running straight toward me with Cadee in my arms. Luckily his owner got his attention and got him back in the car but I started moving a hell of a lot faster to get out of the parking lot!
  • Jenny Pollman Yeah... I would have too. Gonna own a dangerous breed... then be responsible with it. That could have been an attack in a split second had that dog not listened. What I don't understand is why people that own these dogs try to push them so hard on people. I've taken my dog out in public before... and not once have I ever walked up to someone or someone's child & asked if they wanted to pet my dog. If they want to pet my dog... they can approach me & ask. But I don't have any desire to walk up to people & push my dog on them. Not everyone even likes dogs.
  • Dana Zentgraf I don't think I would have been quite as rude. when this has happened to me I have just politely said I don't like my daughter to pet unfamiliar dogs but thank you.
  • Stephanie Michelle Garnet The problem is they don't think they are different from any other breed. They just have a "bad rap" so they try to bump their reputation by carting them everywhere and push people to pet them so they can say see mine is nice! It's retarded!
  • Rick Fite A few summers ago, I visited Starved Rock state park here in Illinois. Actually, it was on the 4th of July, now that I recall. There were thousands of people there, some with dogs. And there were pitbulls. Lots of them. This was before I became an...See More
  • Cassie Bentley Why don't you just muzzle every breed and every person you come in contact with for that matter??? I mean jeez. I've been bitten by two dogs and neither were pitts, but even obnoxious people should be muzzled for the bull that comes out of their mouths. Their are canabals, rapists, and millions of bad animals. Not saying Pitts can't be dangerous either, but seriously it's a pet store that allows pets so YOU are the one taking with a risk with YOUR child walking into a place that doesn't discriminate against an animal for breed like you crazy people. What are you gonna do when your child is attacked by a different animal or human being....you gonna freak out like this too...don't discriminate now!
  • Jenny Pollman hmmm... did you stumble into the wrong group Cassie Bentley???
  • Cassie Bentley Nope I have supported a lot of what was said over the last few years but it gets old after a while because it isn't just one bad thing in this world to worry about. There are millions and all it takes is one bad situation for hatred to ensue. All I'm saying is don't discriminate one breed when any animal can attack. I mean think about it, you could be walking next to a killer in the grocery store but you don't know. But I bet you would then hate everyone related to that person or breed when something bad happens to someone you care for.
  • Allen James Cassie Bentley ,animals cannot be "discriminated".Look up the meaning of that word in the dictionary
  • Cassie Bentley I've been attacked by a dalmatian and a shi tzu.....does that make me hate the entire breed? No it was a bad circumstance and it was that one animal not the entire breed who attacked me. It just gets exhausting hearing everyone degrade an entire species because they are deemed scary or dangerous. May as well be scared of everything or anything you have ever jumped at or that looked scary
  • Allen James Cassie Bentley You are welcome to leave this group anytime you want but let it be clear,we won't stop until our children are safe and these monsters are banned worldwide
  • Jenny Pollman Then please tell me why you are in this group?? You obviously KNOW what this group is about??? Yes, ALL breeds can bite... ALL breeds can attack. But ALL those other breeds aren't killing people & disfiguring people at the rates this breed is. So why again are you in this group??? There are laws & punishments for HUMANS that murder.
  • Cassie Bentley dis·crim·i·nate
    ...See More
  • Allen James Is pit bull a race,sex,age?
  • Jenny Pollman yes... you are free to UNjoin this group at anytime Cassie Bentley. Don't like how we feel about specific breeds & our feelings of BSL... bye bye.
  • Rick Fite dogs aren't people
  • Cassie Bentley I never said ur percentages and facts are wrong, but you are trying to wipe ONE entire breed because of bad stuff so you should go after anything bad in this world not just pitts.
  • Rachel Simas It's not prejudice to acknowledge breed specific traits. Attempting to deny breed specific characteristics and suggest all dogs are the same is incredibly illogical.
  • Cassie Bentley It amazes me the hatred that ensues when something bad happens. Be mad at the situation and that one cause not the entire population
  • Stephanie Michelle Garnet If you know what this page is about than you would know you are starting a fire that you won't be able to put out... Get ready Cassie! The difference between pit bulls and shih tzus is that you didn't need a life flight to the hospital.
  • Allen James Cassie Bentley It amazes me that you continue to bully people into accepting your dumb views
  • Cassie Bentley They aren't the same you are right Rachel Simas but every dog, cat, ant animal or person has the ability to kill and attack. Why not go after serial child rapists or serial killers....their percentages are about the same....
  • Allen James I would request the admin to screen people before adding them to the group.Is this not a closed group?
  • Sabrina Jurgens Listen, this was my child. I'm teaching her that she needs to ask me as her parent before she can pet a dog and then I am teaching her that she needs to ask the owner. I don't give a s*** what kind of dog it is but when you have what has been proven to rip children's faces off and kill them, the last thing you need to do is ask my 3 year old if they want to pet your dog.
  • Rachel Simas This group is about dogs, for people who noticed a problem or have had personal problems with dogs. Serial killing and raping is already illegal, what would you like us to do? Become detectives and start finding criminals to prosecute for laws that already exist? We want laws for dangerous fighting breeds that have no use in our society since dog fighting has been outlawed. When someone speaks of the unfairness of "killing off a breed" what they are actually talking about is eliminating a specific set of characteristics which have proven to be a problem. The fact that sadistic humans created a "breed" to torture animals is no mandate to continue the existence of said breed. Nobody has suggested killing off the domestic dog - only those man-made expressions of temperament and behaviors which have proven to be harmful and cruel.
  • Jenny Pollman Anyone added to this group is screened to the best of our ability... but once in a while, one slips through. Let's educate her before we remove her. 
  • Cassie Bentley Actually I did need to be flight for life once in my life and I'm not hating on the entire breed that caused it. All I'm saying is I know I can't put out your raging fire of hatred but you shouldn't also knock people for sharing an opposing opinion. The problem with this group and it's nothing against you guys is I was on this band wagon with y ' all 2 years ago but two years of constant hate and fighting can really open a person's eyes to a much bigger problem than this
  • Rick Fite Semantics. Typically when the discrimination card is played in the context of pitbulls/fighting dogs, it is intended to be evocative of the racial discrimination experienced by people. Regarding pitbulls/fighting dogs, I can and will be "discriminate" towards them regarding their genetics. Their DNA is what sets them apart from other dogs in that they are predisposed to gripping and killing after their bite response is triggered. Call it what you will, my view towards fighting dogs remains strictly pragmatic, based on observable genetic traits.
  • Lisa Moyer I would be blunt and say my child has been taught to be leary of breeds that have aggressive tendencies.
  • Sabrina Jurgens And I will continue to be rude to irresponsible pet owners. So I was too harsh yesterday sorry, my child comes way before a f****** dog. Excuse the language but it really irritated me that a grown adult didn't have enough decency to look at the parent and ask if it was okay.
  • Rachel Simas Date and location of attack Cassie?
  • Cassie Bentley March 15, 2009 in Illinois
  • Allen James Cassie Bentley O great enlightened soul,please explain to us "haters" and "fools" why pit bulls are so special?
  • Cassie Bentley Lisa Moyer I applaud you on the way you worded that. It actually eases my mind to see someone generalize it like that
  • Fataah Ewe' Cassie you need to think this out more carefully. You are trying to protect a breed type that was created for killing, and is being bred in unconscionable numbers. Thousands are in animal shelters, or running the streets killing dogs by the hundreds. It is difficult to walk the streets wo fearing one's dog be killed or being mauled.
  • Cassie Bentley I never said they are special Allen James just that it shouldn't be this deathly focus. I agree with the way Lisa Moyer put it. That is how I teach my kids. To be leary and ask before touching ANY animal. Like I said I was with you all 2 years ago which is why I joined this group but the amount of hatred I see swapped around for a person having a different opinion really worries me for my children and the people they will learn from as they grow.
  • Allen James Cassie Bentley If it worries then why don't you leave? That's what I suggested.Nobody is holding you against your will,right?
  • Rachel Simas I don't believe you were ever on board. You are too well versed in propaganda that you clearly actually believe is truth.
  • Jewel-Joseph Ishmael As an illinois resident myself, I think we both know this is a state with ever increasing breeding and sale of this breed. It's becoming one of the most common breeds. 1 out of every 5 people I know owns one, if not more. I think we can also see from statistics, that this breed attacks and kills more than any other. The number of dog bite attacks where I live that are pit bull related are 9 out of 10. With those odds, how can I note hate them, and any fighting breed for that matter? Why is it ignorant to not want them with my kids? Why shouldn't I want to protect them?
  • Cassie Bentley No and I knew my opinion would be ripped apart but maybe you need to think....in the most respectful way possible because I am not one to be disrespectful, but think about the hatred shown on this page because it made be back away from this cause and t...See More
  • Rachel Simas She's rude to a pit owner and you get all up in arms over it and call people prejudice, but you're completely ignoring what it is we have anger about, innocent little kids like Kevin being torn to shreds while psychopaths donate money to save the dog that did it. who cares if someone hurts a pit bull owners feelings in the pet store by telling them to get their ticking time bomb away from their child?
  • Allen James There are only two kinds of people who choose pit bulls and other fighting breeds...thugs who get a kick out of harassing innocent people and certain confused women with a savior complex (tame the bad boy)
  • Rick Fite Most of us feel this is a safe place to vent our feelings on the subject. Deep personal wounds have a way of persisting and voicing anguish can be cathartic, even healing. Now should we turn our attention to whatever other societal ill exists? Murderers, rapists, other? Those acts have their advocates and voice. I am here because this is an creeping danger lurking in homes filled with innocent children, that pro-pitbull advocates are determined to whitewash. You don't hear of someone 'advocating' for murder or rape, do you? This is a far more insidious danger in that it is literally a wolf being dressed up as a sheep. A time bomb waiting to happen. Russian roulette, only with other people's lives in the balance.
  • Jenny Pollman Every year the numbers keep going up... the numbers of deaths, attacks & the numbers of these dogs. It is foolish for you to think that those of us that are TRUE advocates won't push harder & be more aggressive with advocating Cassie Bentley.
  • Jewel-Joseph Ishmael Also, knowing more pit bulls die in shelters every day more than any other, how can you say we are dumb for not wanting people to mass breed them? It's a money making scheme. 600 plus dollars for a pit. 9 pits in a litter? I can see why people would want to mass produce them.
  • Cassie Bentley And you act like I'm donating money to save the Pitt Bulls or am fighting your cause, all I am saying is this hatred us exhausting. Allen James I am not sure if you are saying I am a "confused woman with a savior complex" but I do not own a pitt. I am simply saying there is a big problem with the way some people on sights like this attack others for not being right on their side
  • Jewel-Joseph Ishmael But the other side is ok for attacking dead children and suffering families?
  • Jenny Pollman AGAIN....why again are you on this page?? Why did you join it in the 1st place??? There's pro pit pages for people like you.
  • Fataah Ewe' Just talking against the pit bull fad is construed as "hatred". I hear it from someone every day. And "ignorant".
  • Rick Fite Yes, they are churned out like cheap plastic toys from China, foisted on an unsuspecting or deluded public, wind up in a shelter when their nature scares the hell out of the owner and then enter the cycle of adoption, redaction, and euthanasia.
  • Rick Fite Yes, Fataah. It is like other aspects of our culture, where to disagree automatically becomes hate.
  • Cassie Bentley How am I a troll? Please explain this to me. Because I don't think it's fair that I can't say how I feel when you all clearly can? Im sorry. I was never knocking your opinion or being rude to your feelings on the issue just simply saying that the hatred that comes when someone has a lighter opinion is insane.
  • Jewel-Joseph Ishmael Nobody was attacking pits, furthermore. I done the same thing in our vet clinic when a man brought in his pit and wanted my kids to pet her. Allowed his dog to get in my children's faces. I told him we don't allow our own dogs in our children's faces and I definitely will not tolerate a fighting breed in a stressful situation to get in my sons faces. We got up and moved. I don't consider it attacking. I consider it being a concerned parent. If you don't see that then you clearly don't have children and cannot begin to understand.
  • Allen James Cassie Bentley The "hatred" that you refer to is the pain and anguish felt by us who have lost loved ones to pit bulls
  • Cassie Bentley How am I a PRO PIT person? Did I say anything at all that your facts and opinions are wrong? Did I say that I own a pitt or think that they would never attack.....NO! Please read what I have said and you will see it is nothing like that. I joined this page when a friend of mine lost his son to an attack because I believed that the attack was horrible and something should be done, but I also can't spend my life hating like others have.
  • Rick Fite then....... ...don't
  • Allen James Cassie Bentley Then leave....
  • Cassie Bentley Bad and down right horrible things have happened to me in my life and I have learned that having hatred and hurt toward everything that has ever hurt me is exhausting and my time shouldn't be spent hating but living
  • Fataah Ewe' "Hatred" is the new buzz word. My own son told me the way to change opinion is to use more empathy. However, there is big money resting on the myth that pits are perfect. Every single mother selling backyard puppies wants to keep the advertisement squeeky clean, and every donation gatherer, re-trainer of aggression dogs wants a cloud of hope surrounding the resurrection of the killer dog brought to a loving home by rescue angels. In a time of small money in small town America, this dog is a money maker--with the myth intact. People hang onto that.
  • Jewel-Joseph Ishmael Then find a new place to motivate your life. This is clearly not the place and you can leave at any time. Don't harass others who spend time defending human life against beasts that kill
  • Rachel Simas How do we ever stop dogfighting if we don't single out fighting dogs? Dogfighters discriminate all the time by only using pit bulls for fighting and yet no one is screaming at them about how prejudice they are, and that other dogs are just as dangerous. But when people try to acknowledge their specific breeding and the increased risk of serious injuries in the event of an attack they're 'prejudice' and a 'hater'. Making dog fighting illegal, but leaving fighting dogs completely unregulated clearly isn't working, since dog fighting is flourishing, but it also doesn't make any sense. Would we ban crack smoking because it hurts people, but not also ban selling, distributing or possessing crack? Of course not, because we can't rely on the honor system that people won't actually use the crack for its intended purpose and smoke it. So how are we supposed to make any kind of dent in dog fighting if we only ban the actual act of fighting the dogs but don't set any regulations on who can own, sell or breed fighting dogs? We are relying on the honor system that all those pit bull owners will never take advantage of the money making opportunity available to them by using these readily available and completely unregulated dogs for their intended purpose of fighting.
  • Allen James Cassie Bentley But your time can be spent infiltrating a private group and antagonising them?
  • Jewel-Joseph Ishmael Really, Cassie? Then go to a Christian site and spread the word of peace and tolerance and allow us, the people with a brain and true love of human life, to do the fighting for you.
  • Allen James Where's the eject button when you need it?
  • Jenny Pollman Cassie Bentley... half this group is made up of either victims of a pit bull attack... or a loved one that LOST a loved one from a pit bull attack... And you expect there not to be anger when it comes to these breeds??? The same breed that just keeps killing & killing more people every single year??? And for those of us that haven't been attacked or lost a loved one to an attack... we don't WANT to be attacked or lose a loved one to an attack. We don't want to be in the victims shoes... we want the problem with these attacks, deaths & this breed fixed. We want something done about it. That's what this group is for. If you don't want to be in this fight with us to save lives & get the truth out there... then you don't need to be here. We don't need to be told any breed can bite or attack. We know that. But most aren't killing & attacking at the alarming rate bully breeds are. Not even close.
  • Fataah Ewe' I personally find it an imposition that I cannot confidently walk my neighborhood with my prize dogs without worrying that we will have to fight for our lives frm a pit bull attack. And yet on the local pets page, 5 pits are for sale in my town and two...See More
  • Jenny Pollman Those darn prejudice Dog fighters. I'm insulted they don't use poodles Rachel Simas. haha!
  • Rick Fite They do use poodles, Jenny. As bait dogs.... 
  • Jeff Borchardt Cassie Bentley, didn't you attend my son's funeral?
  • Jenny Pollman Cassie is no longer in the group. She removed herself.
  • Fataah Ewe' And yes, then there is the very real situation of feeding dogs to pits, because pits are expensive to feed. The online sale moderators here in small town Midwest beg people to sell their dogs not give them away because basically pits will kill the dog and eat it, and that is any pit not just dogs groomed for fighting. No other breeds are so inclined. A pit that is used to killing things is partic dangerous to children or any dogs. This is not peoples' imagination it is reality.
  • Rachel Simas They don't realize they're barking up the wrong tree by complaining to us about this stuff. It's not us 'haters' that are over breeding pit bulls, it's not us 'haters' that are using them for fighting and it certainly isn't us 'haters' trying to save known aggressive dogs so they can have a 'second chance' to maul someone. It's the so called pit bull lovers that are responsible for all the over filled shelters, abused fighting dogs and savage attacks on people and animals. When will they realize they are going to bat for the very team they claim to be rooting against?
  • Fataah Ewe' The rationalizations that abused women entertain are similar to what Cassie is trying to do. We, when victims, try to not be "hateful" as that is considered anti-social, and she may even have been counseled to patch it up with her aggressor the pit breed, who knows, perhaps she was having attack nightmares. Or maybe the constant stream of attack news here was difficult. I am proud that everyone stepped up and gave their good reasons. She now has another stage of understanding. Sometimes we do wear war hats and most likely a vacation from this is good for people, just to get re-focused.
  • Rose Solesky Any breed of dog will attack and bite, they are animals people. The difference is when a pit bull or any similar breed attacks it can do great damage and or kill. But for the great JHHS my grandson wud have died because of an attack by a pit bull. You tell me, so that I can understand, why wud anyone want to own a dog that is capable of killing shud it attack. It is an animal people. Pets have been known to kill their owners because they keep forgetting that they are animals. If a human who can think can kill then what makes you think an animal won't revert to it's nature and attack to kill.
  • Weldon Smith Too much happy-go-rainbow-sunshine-soup-makes-it-all-sweet-n-lovey-drippy for this war!
  • Fataah Ewe' Sounds like overload to me. She needs to get with a yoga meditation site, not a political one.
  • Anna Balsamo What kind of idiot brings any dog up to someone and asks if they want to pet it? It would sound pedophilish except that we know pit lovers are just that stupid and constantly seek to stuff their dogs down peoples throats.
  • Rachel Simas Cassie must have gotten a life flight to area 51 because there is no record of any severe or disfiguring dog attacks occurring on that date in Illinois. And she couldn't have been exaggerating about the severity of the attack, no one would lie about such a thing just to make pit bulls look better, right? 
  • Bonny Thomas Lee Ms Bentley, Not sure if its a hundred percent, but it is safe to say that most people who write on this site are dog owners themselves and good people who are concerned with a public health and welfare situation. We are aware that other types of dogs can and do bite...in the aggregate however,no other breed has accomplished so much in so little time as to human fatalities,maulings resulting permanent disfigurement,family pets attacked and killed. If you mistrust the statistics you see do your own research.Law enforcement,animal control,EMT's,coroners reports can be obtained on every 2014 (42 human fatalities) and every 2015(5 so far). These are the folks who who "pick up the pieces" in addition to grieving families. Please before you classify victims as haters or taunt them, read Dr David A Billmire's. editorial from Cincinnati Children's Hospital. As Barbara Kay writing, (What Pit Bull Activism says about our Culture )in the National Post has stated"This is the first time in the history of animal-human relations that a movement has formed to PROMOTE DENIAL of a beloved breed's well-known vices. Emphasis mine.
  • Brandon Knight GamaMan Just plain ignorance
  • Sabrina Jurgens I did notice that cassie had said that I was bringing my daughter into a place where animals are allowed. That is true, I take the risk every time I go in there to buy dog food that there is going to be a pitbull in there. Which is why I also carry a knife in my purse that my dad has been known to cut through deer with. Knowing that if the situation came down to it there be one less pitbull in this world. However, I find it so disrespectful that a pitbull owner or any bully breed owner would allow their dog to go into a store without a muzzle on it and then push their dog on to another child. I was literally floored.
  • Laurel Davis Cassie did have a good point about muzzling more dogs in public. A few years ago, I lived in a European city that had virtually no dog related maulings or deaths. All pits, mixes and derivatives were banned. All other dogs had to be muzzled in public if they were over a certain height and weight (the idea being--if it is large enough to easily take down a small child, that should be prevented), all service animals had to be obtained through approved agencies to be legal. With that said--properly behaved dogs were allowed pretty much everywhere--trains,pubs, etc---and they haven't had a dog bite fatality in decades!
    March 9 at 3:56am · Edited · Like · 6
  • Fataah Ewe' All those Euros could not be so wrong, but the UK who has allowed only Staffordshires (of fight breeds) has had its share of sad maulings and deaths. How could they have not known?
  • Laurel Davis no one should ever die being torn apart by a dog, That we do not do more to prevent it is shameful.
  • Laurel Davis I think because the Staffy is so distinctively "British", many didn't want to ban it.
  • Cathy Garcia Cassie, you think we attack pro pits? You should see the horrible things they say_. The threats on our lives and families. This is nothing compared to their idiotic rants
  • Jeff Borchardt Ah yes....the distinctive coal mining county of Staffordshire, England.
  • Laurel Davis she's gone--and we didn't get to hear about the Shitzu attack and her flight for life 
  • Cathy Garcia And Cassie you don't invite serial killers or rapists into your home. Pit people however do invite a killer dog into their home. Huge difference. And we are not police. They go after the bad people. We just try and protect our families and pets from the dangerous sweet loving pibble wibble
  • Laurel Davis when someone is attacked by a dog--it is a preventable death (if our society would only take steps to prevent it). Yet--it is typically written off as an "accident" the perp is protected, the victim attacked. We don't trivialize Bundy's victims as accidental deaths...
    March 9 at 4:21am · Edited · Like · 5
  • Bonny Thomas Lee Now Ms. Bentley, would you want your parents, grandparents to see that unfortunate text from March 5th.Remember your children and their children will be able to see everything we write in public discourse one hundred years from now, long after we have ...See More
  • Julie Wall @Cassie, Care to give me a list of ethical pit bull breeders? There are 200 dog breeds and pit bull breeders are the only ones who are breeding for aggression and power to create the ultimate canine gladiator. Most pit bull advocates lack the basic understanding of dog breeding 101 and what pit bill breeders are trying to accomplish. Most pit bull type dogs are produced by unethical backyard pit bull breeders who are breeding for aggression. They are supplying to dog fighters, drug dealers, people who want a guard dog or a dog that looks like a tough protection dog. Aggression is a dominant trait resulting in a 75% chance of inheritance. One needs to actively breed to eliminate it through SELECTIVE breeding and deliberate attrition, things that backyard pit bull breeders NEVER do. Pit bull breeders are producing unsafe dogs that compromises public safety and the safety of other people's beloved pets that live in the same neighborhoods. Pit-bull type dogs are the number one dog surrendered to shelters, a million every year, mostly because of aggression issues. Then many are rehomed by irresponsible pit bull advocates back into our communities. Watch this undercover video of of unethical, seedy backyard pit bull breeders: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2geom3
    Welcome to my YouTube channel! Please subscribe...
  • Julie Wall @Cassie, First of all, dogs are not races. There are over 200 man-made dog breeds bred for certain traits to serve humans. Many breeds go extinct. It's not a big deal. Do you miss any of these breeds?: http://www.ask.com/wiki/List_of_extinct_dog_breeds?o=2800...
    Ask.com is the #1 question answering service that delivers the best answers from the web and real people - all in one place.
  • Cathy Garcia And then my sweet Cassie, they are rescued by these lying rescue rehabs and then given to naive people that are led to believe they were not bait or fighting dogs. AND THEN a child or any innocent person or animal is killed in a horrible death. That's what we are against.
  • John Wright Oh, the Texas Bull Terrier is extinct too.
  • Cathy Garcia You think Cassie gof the message? I'm pretty sure she did.

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